This is a Shergold Modulator 3 - that I first noticed because of its square knob plate, the kind of things that I love in a guitar (the general shape is not so exciting)!
Then I deepened a little bit the subject and I discovered that the square knob plate actually allows to interchange the electronics of the Modulator series - there are 6 versions -, and that Shergold was a kind of spin-off of Burns - actually a company that provided woodwork to Burns and Hayman and other British brands before making their own guitars in 1975, first from left over material.
Shergold's guitars and basses have been used by Joy Division / New Order musicians, and Genesis's Mike Rutherford played a famous double neck 4/12 custom guitar that could be reassembled in different combinations of basses and guitars... - I'll come back on Shergold double-necks in a following post.
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