sent the above photo and comments that: "I know that John Mayall has many modified and odd shaped guitars. [In] 1990 he played this one at Kuusrock Festival here in Finland."
Indeed, John Mayall does seem to favour Strat-type guitars (in the above instance it's a Fernandes) with the body chopped down to the bare minimum. Quite why he likes such tiny-bodied guitars is anyone's guess. Perhaps it has something to do with the way he slings the guitar strap over his right shoulder?
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
John Mayall's sawn-off Strats
9:23 AM | Labels: Fernandes, John Mayall, Stratocaster, weird customisations
Teddybears play Bo Diddley-esque Gibsons
/'m not sure if you've ever heard of the band Teddybears STHLM, or as they are nowadays known as The Teddybears. It's a Swedish band starting out as a hardcore/grindcore band back in the early 90s, but have since then changed their music in a completely different direction. Nowadays they are a lot more electro-influenced, etc, and outside of Sweden they are probably most know for their songs featured in Heineken beer commercials and such, or that they have been working with Iggy Pop a bit.
Anyways, Last night I went to one of their shows in Malmö, Sweden, and I just couldn't happen to notice the two guitars they were playing during the show. One of the guitars was a double neck (Bass+Guitar), and the other one a bass, and they were both wearing the Gibson headstock and logo.
One thing that I noticed was that the "guitar neck" of the double neck had the famous "SG" stamped on the truss rod cover.
Another very obvious thing about these guitars and basses is that they have the bo diddley-shoe box shaped bodies, with a mirror/disco ball finish.
I've tried to contact them via emails and telephone, but I've not gotten any response from them.
Anyways, I know the music is not really for everybody, but their shows are awesome, and I think you should check them out.
Well, I hope I've given you something that you'd might feature on the blog. If you don't find the info I've given you so far blog-worthy enough, I would suggest that you would check them out further. I've been to a few of their shows, and they are always improving more and more.
Sorry to bother you! Take care, and thank you tons and tons for this great blog!
Pelle Rydstern
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
4:45 AM | Labels: bass, customised, doubleneck, Gibson, one-offs
Alamo vintage guitar, made in the USA
Here's another that Bertram wanted to show you.
Has anyone out there heard of Alamo guitars? I'm guessing these are from the 1960s.
This example is a very crude looking, mis-shapen affair, and at first I thought it must be early Japanese. However - and you can't quite make this out in the above photo, but trust me - the trussrod cover bears the legend "Made in USA". The pickguard with cut-out lettering/design (I'm not sure what it's supposed to be) is an intriguing touch.
This guitar together with a recently overhauled Alamo Capri tube amp recently failed to sell on eBay with a starting price of $649. Probably a bit steep for curios such as these, even if they are rare. Rare doesn't necessarily equal desireable. If you're interested in buying, keep checking eBay, I expect it will be re-listed.
4:07 AM | Labels: Alamo, vintage guitars, Weird guitars
Millennium #13 Prototype - aluminium body with on-board T-wah
The body is arcraft-grade indestructible aluminium and is married to a hand-made mahogany neck with African ebony fingerboard and equipped with LSR lightweight locking tuners. The guitar weighs 7 lbs.
All in all, it's a very fitting guitar to show you on this, our 8th birthday!
11:28 AM | Labels: Birthday, effects, Metal body, Millennium, prototypes, Telecaster, Weird guitars
Wishnevsky Holy Lobe Bass
/'s another delightfully eccentric hand-made bass from Steve Wishnevsky, a.k.a. Wish Bass. This unique, one-off fan-fretted bass is called the Holy Lobe Bass and is currently up for grabs on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $500. The through neck is made from laminates of mahogany, purpleheart and maple, and the body is of wild cherry. As on other Wishbasses, there is no trussrod. It also features a Kent Armstrong humbucker, and the controls are basic being just limited to just a single volume.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
6:52 AM | Labels: bass, fanned frets, handmade, holey guitars, Luthiers, one-offs, Weird guitars, Wishnevsky
Greco Tusk "V"
We've looked at a Greco Tusk with an Explorer/Star-shaped body before, and here's another from the Tusk series with Randy Rhodes-esque V-style body.
Ken Shima, who found this guitar on the Yahoo Japan auction site, comments "totally awesome tuners, how do they work?"
Well, I think it's effectively a headless system with the tuners on the bridge, while the three "tuners" on the headstock are actually just string clamps.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
12:00 AM | Labels: 80s guitars, Flying V, Greco, headless, Japanese guitar, Weird guitars
Dewey Decibel's FlipOut guitar
/ Decibel's FlipOut guitar puts a whole new perspective on the term "reverse body" as used by the likes of Gibson.
Yes, I have blogged about this guitar a long time ago, but I've not shown a photo of one before and haven't seen one on eBay such as this example currently being offered for sale.
This guitar, which is no longer in production, muse surely rank alongside Brian Eastwood's Bender Distortocaster as a novelty "double-take" version of the Stratocaster.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
10:57 AM | Labels: Dewey Decibel's FlipOut, Stratocaster, Weird guitars
1939 Recording King Model D lap steel
/ we're on a lap steel kick at the moment, I can't help showing you this utterly gorgeous Recording King Model D from 1939 currently being offered for sale on eBay. I particularly like the pear-shaped body, which has a mandolin-quality to the design.
Recording King was a brand name used by American department store Montgomery Ward's in the 1930s, with instruments being made by Gibson.
The brand name has since been revived by San Francisco-based AXL.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
10:12 AM | Labels: cool guitars, Gibson, lap steel, Recording King, vintage guitars
One-off "Juju" lap steel
/ don't know why we don't feature more lap steels on this blog, because some of the designs are really out there! This very distinctive one-off lap steel bearing the "Juju" name has been built around a huge slab of lacewood. As you can see the lacewood slab, although polished up, has been left in a rustic state showing the beauty of the wood.
Very strangely for a lap steel, the fingerboard seems to have actual frets rather than simple visual markers.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
10:32 AM | Labels: lap steel, one-offs, Weird guitars
handmade lap steel guitar with multibender bridge
10:58 PM | Labels: German guitars, lap steel, one-offs
1982 Daion 555 HeadHunter
6:57 AM | Labels: 80s guitars, cool guitars, Daion, Japanese guitar, Matsumoku, semi-hollow body
Fender Stratocaster in Black Paisley finish
9:01 AM | Labels: Fender, Personal Narrative, Stratocaster, wacky finishes
Gretsch Historic G3156 Streamliner
12:55 AM | Labels: elegant guitars, Gretsch, hollow body
Born To Rock guitar
/ posted this photo of a Born To Rock guitar in the comments under the Born To Rock bass we looked at back in September 2008.
The owner says:
I have a "Born To Rock" 6 string guitar with a clear lucite neck, these are rare as they moved to aluminum necks fairly quickly. It is serial #10 and I have had it since the mid 90's and have only played it a few times so lets just say it in excellent condition.Now, I'm not going to make a habit of this - that is advertising guitars for sale for each and every person that leaves such a comment or emails me, but as this was such an unusual specimin I thought I'd make an exception.
I'm looking to sell it... Any takers?
If anyone is interested in buying this guitar, please do not email me nor leave an offer in the comments - please email the owner directly.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
3:45 AM | Labels: acrylic, Born To Rock, headless, Metal body, Weird guitars
Rickenbacker 330/12 White
7:29 AM | Labels: 12-string, elegant guitars, Rickenbacker, thinline
1972 Gibson SG 200
12:49 PM | Labels: Gibson, SG, vintage guitars
Gretsch G6129-BZT Billy Zoom Tribute Silver Jet
/ is a limited issue Billy Zoom tribute edition of the classic Gretsch Silver Jet. Zoom was guitarist and co-founder of Los Angeles band X. Zoom's own original guitar was put through a medical CAT scan by Gretsch and analysed so that this Tribute edition could be built in Gretsch's USA custom shop as closely as possible to the original. The G6129-BZT features a chambered body, pearloid banjo buttons on the Grover tuners, Bigsby B12 tailpiece, Seymour Duncan DynaSonic pickups, Synchro-Sonic bridge, and distressed finish and hardware.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
4:42 AM | Labels: Billy Zoom, Gretsch, Relics, signature guitar, YouTube
Ron Marr's doubleneck CBG
Since an electric cigar box guitar wasn't quite ridiculous enough, I decided I should build myself a double-neck. Thought you might get a kick out of this.
The bottom neck is a 2-string, longneck slide bass (ala Stig Pederson). The custom nut is a hunk of bolt I hacksawed and spray painted. The tailpiece is a chunk of angle iron.
The top neck is a 3-stringer with a low action ... better for me as I do a lot of finger picking (it really is fast ... and for once I even nailed the intonation). Note the fancy-schmancy tailpiece that began its life as a pie spatula.
The homemade necks (steel reinforced ... and rounded with a bastard file) are bolt ons using helicoil inserts and gobs of JB Weld. Oh ... and lets not forget those hand-carved headstocks. Last but not least, in order to take overkill to new heights, I covered the Punch cigar box with a lacewood veneer
I'm thinking my next project may be an electric harp guitar with a 1-gallon oil can for a body.
Great blog ... I check it out most every day.
Ron Marr
Thanks Ron. As ever we are always pleased to receive photos of readers' self-builds. Funnily enough, only last night I was watching a few YouTube clips of The Presidents of the United States of America, a band known for their minimalistic 2- and 3-string guitars (dubbed the basitar and the guitbass respectively). In one clip, Chris Ballew is seen playing a doubleneck basitar/guitbass with a total of 5 strings on it.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
9:51 AM | Labels: cigar box guitars, doubleneck, minimalist guitars, one-offs, Your Guitars
Xaviere XV-560 Les Paul Thinline
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
Tokai Blazing Fire
Hey Gavin, I don't know if you guys are still on vacation but this Tokai caught my eye, copy of a Talbo.
Description says, "The body isn't aluminum, it's Basswood"
Ken Shima
Hi Ken
The irony of having a wooden-bodied Talbo is not lost on me, since the name Talbo is derived from Tokai ALuminium BOdy. I am aware of the Tokai Talbo Woody series (surely a prize example of an oxymoron), but this Blazing Fire edition would seem to be yet another wooden-bodied variation.
It's still quite a cool original design from a company largely known for their replicas, but for myself it doesn't have the appeal of the original metal-bodied Talbo.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
Pondering on toy guitars
GL -- Hello from Washington DC USA.
I'm wondering about a pair of "toy" plastic guitars I recall as a very young kid, that were made by the Emenee Company in the U.S. back around 1965 or so. The one that surfaces a lot on eBay and on those my-first-guitar webpages is the Emenee "Tiger"/Sears "WingDing", a plastic archtop of questionable note and intonation. Pics can be seen at:
The other was called the "Swingin' Cat", but I've found no images or mentions of this model anywhere. If anyone has any info on the Swingin' Cat, speak up please!
BTW, Emenee rounded out its line of toy instruments with the "Big Bash Drums" and the "Polychord Electric Organ". The post-Beatle U.S. manufacturing rush of the 1960s was something to behold.
Alan Peterson
Springfield, Virginia USA
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
2:29 AM | Labels: toy guitar, unusual materials
Gibson Flying V limited edition
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
Ibanez X-ING IMG2010
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
5:31 AM | Labels: 80s guitars, Guitar Synth, Guitar website, Ibanez, Japanese guitar
1964 Hopf
EDIT: check the comments for more accurate information.
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
1:31 AM | Labels: German guitars, Hopf, vintage guitars, vintage modification
Choosing a Guitar Teacher
by Tom Hess
The electric guitar has advanced far beyond the time when someone could teach himself (or herself) to become a world class guitar player. If your ambition is to become a competent guitar player and a competent musician, you need a competent guitar teacher. Even if your goals are more modest, you can reach those goals far more quickly, easily and efficiently with the guidance of the right guitar teacher. Much of the information that is needed to learn about guitar playing (and music in general) is available from many different sources. There are hundreds of books, instructional videos, CD-ROMs and, of course, the internet. Even though a lot of information is readily available, there exists a lot of incorrect, incomplete and otherwise bad information (this is especially true for a lot of information found on the internet!). You will need the aid of an excellent teacher to teach you how to fully understand and apply the correct information. You can save yourself a lot of unnecessary frustration and disappointment by studying with the good teacher. Remember that text books, CD-ROMs, instructional videos and the internet cannot answer your specific questions. They cannot offer you advice on your guitar playing, song writing, ear training, etc. They cannot listen to your playing and point out any mistakes or flaws that may be present. Some text books are great and I have seen some pretty good CD-ROMs out there too, but you still need the aid of an excellent teacher to guide you through everything and to help you to develop your abilities and musicianship correctly and efficiently.
Tele-Galaxy Höfner custom

Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
1:33 AM | Labels: cool guitars, custom, elegant guitars, German guitars, Hofner
2 Simple Ways to Improve Guitar Speed Very Easily
Just realize that playing the guitar faster can often mean you're more inclined to allow for sloppy playing and less precision.
When you start you quest for getting your guitar licks down faster, make it a MUST to go for being clean at it. In the end, your playing skills will grow on all levels.
Now that we've covered that, let's get to it...
Here's a couple things you can do immediately to help improve your guitar speed very quickly.
More often than not, guitarists lack SPEED because they lack knowledge. In other words, they "stall" because they are lost on where to go next. I call this "not being liquid".
Ideally, you want to be able to travel all over the neck of a guitar without having to "fumble around" with where to go next. Miss this part and I don't care how quick your guitar speed is, you'll "stall", "stutter" and feel lost.
TRANSLATION: You won't play guitar fast!
Taking Guitar Lesson?
3 Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Big Results From Taking Guitar Lessons
by Tom Hess
Have you ever tried taking guitar lessons and ended up quitting in frustration, because you felt you weren’t making enough progress? Or perhaps you have considered taking guitar lessons but because someone you know had a disappointing experience with a guitar teacher, you began to doubt if lessons are worth investing your time and money. This perception prevents you from getting all that you want from your guitar lessons.
60s Merlin/Greco 921
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
2:39 PM | Labels: cool guitars, Greco, Japanese guitar, Merlin, semi-hollow body, vintage guitars
Yamaha guitars line up
Bunker 6-string guitar
/ looked at a 1970s-era Bunker Bass back in November 2009. I hadn't realised that there was a guitar version too, but here it is! I refer you again to that previous post for more info about Bunker guitars.
ON A DIFFERENT TOPIC, both Bertram and I will be going away for a few days and will not have internet access for the remainder of the week, so - alas - there will be no new Guitarz posts for a few days. Please accept our apologies in advance. (No, were not going away together. I'll be in a tent in Devon; you'll have to ask Bertram later what he was doing.)
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
11:13 AM | Labels: Bunker, cool guitars, headless, vintage guitars, Weird guitars
Univox archtop - those of a nervous disposition may want to look away
BEFORE:Here we have a nice example of a 1970s Univox archtop guitar...
AFTER:...which was sadly reduced to this pile of rubble. What happened? Did someone trash it on stage in a Townshend-esque moment of passion?
No. It was allegedly destroyed by airline baggage handlers during transit, apparently despite being double-boxed. They couldn't have made a better demolition job if they had tried.
The moral is, I suppose, make sure you package your guitars ultra-securely if they ever have to by shipped airfreight. And seriously consider insurance.
Via db Twang.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
4:01 PM | Labels: Japanese guitar, Mindless guitar abuse, Univox, vintage guitars
1965 Hagstrom Kent

The Hagstrom Kent was a quite successful budget guitar in the 60s, but this black model is quite rare - you'll see it more often in red or blue. It bares the Hagstrom logo on its headstock, that is strange since it should have Kent ; this guitar had a screwed plastic front and vinyl back instead of paint (this is not a plastic body like some believe, and that's why it was a cheap guitar), and being unsure of the durability of this bizarre 'shell', Hagstrom didn't want to risk their reputation and labeled this model only as Kent.
3:00 AM | Labels: Hagstrom, vintage guitars
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
7:57 AM | Labels: vintage guitars, Zenta
Quite ugly Jackson Custom
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
8:42 AM | Labels: Hideous guitars, Jackson, wacky finishes
Adam Ant plays his telecaster
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
5:53 AM | Labels: Bands, Fender, Personal Narrative, Telecaster, video, YouTube
Teye La Llama
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
12:04 AM | Labels: Teye, wacky finishes
1960s vintage Regent guitar
/ Haller brought this Regent guitar to my attention, having seen it offered for sale on a Canadian classifieds website. I confess I can find very little about Regent Guitars. It's a very difficult one to Google as "Regent" has been used as a model name by various manufacturers and has also been the name of several guitar shops. If anyone knows anything specifically about this brand, then please do tell!
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
6:38 AM | Labels: cool guitars, Regent
1978 Aria PE-1500
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
11:36 PM | Labels: Aria, cool guitars, Japanese guitar, Matsumoku, vintage guitars
An extreme solution to making a stereo Stratocaster
Of course, this isn't the first double-bodied guitar sharing a single neck that we've seen on Guitarz.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
10:57 AM | Labels: Art, one-offs, Stratocaster, Weird guitars
1966 Wurlitzer Wildcat
10:27 PM | Labels: cool guitars, vintage guitars, Wurlitzer
Hofner Club 60
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
9:26 PM | Labels: German guitars, Hofner, hollow body, vintage guitars
10-string electric-acoustic Melobar slide guitar
Here's another Melobar - or at least a Melobar-styled guitar with an angled playing surface so as to facilitate slide playing whilst wearing the guitar on a strap. I don't know for sure if this is an actual Melobar-branded instrument. I have only been aware of solid-bodied Melobars previously.
If anyone can read the Japanese of the auction listing, or can tell me any more, please get in touch!
Thanks to Ken Shima for bringing this unusual guitar to my attention.
G L Wilson
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
10:24 AM | Labels: acoustic, Melobar, slide guitar, Weird guitars
A brief history of the classical guitar
This is a guest post by Christopher Davis, author of The Classical Guitar Blog
Our instrument has a long history. Dating all the way back to 1400s when an instrument called the Vihuela flourished in Spain. Vihuela featured six courses of strings - a course being a pair of strings tuned to the same pitch in this case. Much like today's guitars, the tuning was fourths and one third. In today's terms, Vihuela tuning would be E A D F# B E.
Interestingly, vihuela was really a family of instruments: they came in all sizes. There are only three original Vihuelas in existence today, and each is slightly different in scale length and pitch. Some would even be considered bass-like. There was also a four course guitar that flourished in France during the Renaissance.
The Baroque guitar (around 1600-1800) flourished in many European countries. These guitars are as much works of art as they are instruments. They featured extensive ornamentation and inlays.
And elaborate rosettes that filled the sound hole.
Around 1800 guitar builders gradually added a sixth course, and went to single strings. Check out this instrument, a six course guitar built around 1800.
And this one built just a few years later.
Like guitarists today, guitarists in the later 1800s explored guitars with more than six strings. Composer/Guitarist Johann Kaspar Mertz played on a ten-string instrument similar to the modern harp guitar.
Napoleon Coste also added more strings and wrote music for this seven string guitar.
The ten-string guitar is still alive today thanks to the work of Narciso Yepes.
Classical, nylon-strung guitars today, however, are mostly pretty tame. And they're all descendents of the grand-daddy of the modern guitar, Antonio Torres. Torres built guitars in Spain during the late 19th century, and his instruments are the first that we consider modern. The bodies on his instruments were slightly bigger, and the braces on the underside of the top were arranged in a fan.
While electric guitars may feature gorgeous wood on the top, the back and sides of a classical guitar are often the most beautiful. Below is my guitar, built in 2009 by Michael Thames.
Most professional level classical guitars - called "concert guitars" - are custom shop jobs. They are built specifically for one person, and you choose a guitar builder based on the features you want. Some builders specialize is construction methods that are a bit unorthodox or strange. Check out the inside of this "lattice braced" guitar.
The tops on these guitars are extremely thin (you could puncture it with your finger), and that black stuff inside is carbon fiber. Another popular construction method today is a "double top". These guitars have a thin top, then a layer of honey-comb style material called Nomex, then another thin top is glued on the other side. Here builder John H. Dick shows off the inside of his guitar tops (towards the end).
There's a lot out there in the world of classical and nylon-strung guitars, and it's well worth exploring.
Christopher Davis
Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!
4:01 PM | Labels: acoustic, antique guitars, baroque guitar, classical, guest blogger, guitar history, harp guitar, nylon string guitar, Your Guitars