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Epiphone Prophecy Futura


prophecy futura

Unlike the previous Explorer variations I showed here before, the Epiphone Prophecy Futura doesn't try to hysterise its model but on the contrary, by reducing its body results in a very strange and radical guitar indeed... The narrow wasp center is disturbingly unusual (much more than a BC Rich guitar with plenty of pointy bits in every direction) even if the relation to the familiar Explorer is obvious.

Thought it's as angular as a regular Explorer, it is more ergonomic - even the longer lower horn is relevant, allowing to hold the guitar on the lap with a high neck. It looks like every superfluous wood was eliminated, making it much lighter than an Explorer. This guitar is more than a show-off and was meant to be useful in any situation. I still need to see it in someone's hands to see how this strange shape feels in relation to a human body (the best would be of course to play it but I've never seen it in any guitar shop I ever visited).

A few days ago I was writing here that Epiphone issues mush more new models (real new models) than Gibson, that's what I meant, and there're many like this, plus the regular Gibson budget models.

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