We've all seen see-through acrylic-bodied guitars before. However, I want to stress that is NOT what we are looking at here.
Back in June 2007 I made a one-line entry on this blog with a link to BC Glass Studio. My comment at the time was that:
"BC Glass Studio make custom handmade one-of-a-kind fused glass guitars. Which you can't play - these are sculptures."Well, all that has changed!
Brian Chivers, the guy behind BC Glass Studio of Weukesha, Wisconsin, accepted a challenge from the legendary, and now sadly departed, Les Paul to "build one you can play". Pictured here is the result.
This is another of the 500 Guitars listed in the book of the same name. Whilst that sounds like a deliberate plug, I mention it because about a month ago I received the photo opposite in an email asking if it wasn't too late to make it into the book.
Unfortunately the book had already gone to print, but I promised I'd show the picture here on the blog.
Actually, I think that's rather a good idea.
I'm going to go through 500 Guitars and find guitars listed which do not have pictures printed in the book and, where possible, post them on this blog. Some guitars, of course, we've already looked at one this blog and will be in the archives somewhere. (Perhaps it's time to enlarge on our keywords - as displayed at the bottom of each post and listed in their entirety at the foot of the page - and include ALL manufacturers, so as to make this blog easier to search).
I already started with yesterday's post on the Hagstrom/Goya guitar. I won't be copying the text out of the book as that is now copyrighted and the property of the publishers, but I'll still tell you what you're looking at!
There were also a handful of guitars that I wrote about that didn't make it into the book at all, and so I'll be featuring these on the blog soon too.
But for now, let's take another look at that Brian Chivers fused glass guitar:

G L Wilson
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