are a number of hand-crafted guitars on eBay right now built by a luthier called Tony Rincon. They remind me slightly of the instruments built by Steve Wishnevsky, for they all have a somewhat "rustic" charm to them. One guitar in particular, a full-size semi-hollowbodied guitar (pictured) caught my eye. Something about the simplicity of design of non-cutaway electrics and semis has always appealed to me, although I realise for the lead player who likes playing at the top of the neck they are a no-go.
Curiously, the neck/body join occurs inbetween the 10th and 11th frets on this guitar, and then the fretboard continues on the body for quite some distance up to the 22nd fret. I could understand this if the guitar was intended for slide-playing, lap-style, but judging by Rincon's demo videos this isn't the case.
All in all, it's a very nice guitar, but if I was buying one I'd prefer a neck/body join at the 14th fret.
G L Wilson
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