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It's Hug Your Guitar Week...


Yours Truly with Sanox Sound Creator Strat...over at IG Blog, but if you want to take part you'll have to be quick for the festivities come to an end this Sunday evening!

Now, I'm not usually too good at taking part in these weblog memes (I usually spend far too long thinking about what I can contribute and then when I've eventually got a good idea the whole thing is over and done with), but I decided I'd make a special effort this time, and so dug out the camera, grabbed my Sanox Sound Creator plexiglass guitar and found a mirror for a self-portrait, and reproduced here is the result.

Now that's two pictures of me on this blog this month. I reckon that'll do for another year or so.

[Before someone says it, because it's a mirror photo, technically the image should be the other way around, but I flipped it about so that I don't appear to be a Southpaw. Not that there's anything wrong with Southpaws. I just thought it was a more accurate portrait this way.]


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