According to this eBay listing:
Recently found by marauding sand lizards on the beach in Guitarland. Obviously lost at sea by pirates on a coastal sortie, but suffered no water damage or scuffs. If you have never played one of these you have been missing out on one of the finest experiences in Guitarland, or the entire world for that matter. Twin P90s grace this icon of a time when Craftsmanship meant more than adding Chinese servos, wheels, and gizmos on the Ken and Barbie-type flash in the pan robot guitars of today. This instrument was crafted by the finest luthiers in Kalamazoo, Michigan.....not assembled by underpaid workerbees in Nashville or Chinese slave labor factories in Communist China. The pickups, pots, switch, jack, and wiring are all original. The tuners were changed in the 60's to nickel patent pending Grovers. The guitar had the neck heel professionally repaired in the 70's, is very stable and almost not noticable under the antique white finish. Super lightweight and has playability and tone to die for. I happened to be on the beach with super model Ann Marie Roberts, and came across the lizard patrol lambasting in their new found vintage wealth, and parlayed a deal to trade them future goldtop exchange values for the prodigal guitar. Sand Lizards always fall for that pyramid scheme promise of more money later if they cough up today. The lizards agreed with a clamor of claws and gnashing teeth, and surrendered their prize. Immediately after that exchange, beautiful Ann Marie blessed the guitar, and offered prayers to Neptune-God of the sea. This magic wand is now offered to the highest bidder with NO RESERVE...Of course, every word is true!
Unfortunately the auction itself has now finished, and the guitar sold for the tidy sum of $4,000.

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