The 28 Most Recognizable Guitars courtesy of and including YouTube clips for each!
Banana Bass
Here's a rather wacky-looking left-handed acoustic fretless "banana bass" from the now legendary rustic luthier Steve Wishnevsky. This one looks like it was inspired by an early harp guitar design.
8:59 AM | Labels: bass, fretless, left-handed, Weird guitars, Wishnevsky
Musique Concrete
I've just been browsing the Warmoth Direct Guitar Gallery and had to share this with you.I'll let its creator, Parker Sloan of Kentucky USA, explain it to you:
"Hey dudes! Here it is, the world's first ever electric guitar made out of concrete. It not only looks good, it sounds fantastic. It only weighs 7.5 lbs and is way more resonant than you'd expect. Its got a sound all its own for sure."
Full marks for innovation. Someone has to make these experiments, after all!
4:02 AM | Labels: one-offs, Warmoth, Weird guitars
Queen guitarist Brian May named university chancellor: "In this age of celebrity culture, it is rare to find someone who has fame, fortune and universal acclaim and yet who remains true to his core values of learning and enlightenment," says Michael Brown, vice chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University.
1:36 AM | Labels: Guitarist news
On your bike...
The Swansonator5000 bike guitar started life like this:
...but ended up like this:

Now that's recycling for you! [via Guitar Noize]
4:47 AM | Labels: cool guitars, one-offs, Weird guitars
And here's another one...
...because I know how you love these pictures of crap guitars found on eBay. [Link]5:12 AM | Labels: Hideous guitars, Weird guitars
The 5-minute Interview: Steve Diggle, singer, songwriter and guitarist from The Buzzcocks, of course. They have a new live album out next week.
5:09 AM | Labels: Bands, Guitarist news
Island gives inspiration for guitars: The story of how a barrister-musician-songwriter-producer-entrepreneur set about creating his own high quality guitar brand - Vashon Guitars - named after the island where he lives.
Did John Lennon Own The Mystery Guitar? "Lennon stayed at the hotel with friends and, when he came to pay the bill, he apparently didn't have the cash on him so left the guitar behind while he went into Plymouth to get some. The story goes that he never came back..."
4:53 AM | Labels: Guitarist news, News item
Epiphone announce EpiActive pickups: the design makes these looks awfully like the dreaded EMG pickups. Let's hope they sound better. (Sits back and waits for the backlash).
1:43 AM | Labels: Epiphone, pickups, Product news
I wouldn't have thought it was possible to take a BC Rich design as inspiration and make it look any worse! Mercy!
Imagine trying to find a case to fit that monstrosity. I really can't imagine anyone having the patience to put up with such a stupid and unwieldy design. (eBay link).
4:34 AM | Labels: BC Rich, Hideous guitars, Weird guitars
What the ... ?

I saw this guitar on eBay recently but unfortunately have lost the link so I don't have any information about it. Does anyone have the slightest inkling of an idea what it is actually supposed to be?
1:31 PM | Labels: Hideous guitars, Weird guitars
Reverend Guitars Announces Roundhouse HB-FM Electric Guitar: I wonder what Gibson will make of this? After all they didn't take too kindly to PRS's Single Cut guitar, claiming it infringed the design copyright of the Les Paul.
7:50 AM | Labels: Gibson, Les Paul, Product news, Reverend
The History Of The SG: Sharp Points And Radical Departures: A potted history of Gibson's classic guitar from the folks at Epiphone. I notice they skip over details such as why it was renamed from Les Paul to SG (i.e. the man himself didn't like it).
Stig Pedersen and his 2-string basses
Here's Stig Pedersen from Denmark's D-A-D (formerly known as Disneyland After Dark but don't let the Walt Disney Corporation hear you calling them that else their lawyer-dialling fingers get twitchy) wielding another one of his barking mad two-string basses. Absolute genius!
Photo: Tina Carstensen
8:36 AM | Labels: Art, Bands, bass, cool guitars, left-handed, minimalist guitars, one-offs, Weird guitars
Living legend Page 'on the mend': as you will probably have heard by now, Led Zeppelin's re-union gig has been postponed because Jimmy Page managed to break the little finger of his left hand in a freak gardening accident. At least he didn't fall out of a tree onto his head like another guitarist we all know.